The Pacific Northwest Stimulation

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” – Pablo Picasso

As an artist and live event painter, when I think of Seattle I instantly think grunge rock, and visions of the 90’s movie “Singles” with maybe a Starbucks label plastered on top. But within a community of artistic, virtual friends I’ve been exposed to another side, and Seattle has some ROCKIN’ visual creators!

Aspire to Inspire…

There’s a power in the pleasure of beauty, and when I was a little girl I would always turn to it. The splendor of music and art made struggles or pain easier to swallow. Seeing something beautiful that would hold my attention, or hearing a song that expressed something I was going through somehow made it okay. I felt less alone and inspired to go beyond. It was an exit into a land of dreaming and imagination that made me feel alive and motivated.

I still get that same fire burning in my belly when I see or hear something that takes my breath away. And I think that’s important for all of us to rekindle that flame regularly. So, I’m sharing with you a couple of artists from the Seattle / Pacific Northwest art scene that have given me some airy inspiration.

Xo – HiD

Artist Jonathan Matas

A 29 year-old Seattle born painter that is currently residing in San Francisco is kind of a color badass, and he makes the world his canvas. Anything from public walls, streets, galleries, and even the Facebook headquarters, which includes Mark Zuckerberg’s laptop.

Laptop photo

Giant Wall

Timelapse at FB HQ


Artist Fay Jones

A 77 year-old Seattle based painter that has been nationally recognized and I also LOVE her style. My description of her work would be creative, free, playful, intriguing, and pulling.
She currently has an exhibition until December 21st, 2013 at the uber-cool Grover/Thurston Gallery.



Below is a short biopic on Fay, and her humble frankness is quite refreshing. She’s really down-to-earth and honest about her process and who she is.