Painting the Grand Opening of the Music City Center!

“If a city doesn’t grow, if new people aren’t moving in, if jobs aren’t being created, if neighborhoods become stagnant, your quality of life is at an even greater risk. It’s like Bob Dylan said: If you’re not busy being born, you’re busy dying.”

– Karl Dean, Mayor of Nashville

The brand new convention center here in Nashville, TN called, “The Music City Center”, is a HUGE marker of a city that is alive and kicking! I’m proud to say that I’ve been a resident of Nashville for thirteen years now (eek, that’s hard to believe). So when I was asked to be apart of the festivities of the Grand Opening of the Music City Center I was truly honored. This city is a creative mecca of beautiful, caring, talented people and it’s been so good to me.

Grand Opening of the Music City CenterI painted in the 350,000 square feet Exhibit Hall during the opening festivities and the MCC Painting has two parts with many elements.

The painting…

Part 1 represents all of the activities/look of the celebrations that I saw happening INSIDE the Ryman Hall such as:

  • Large crowds
  • Kids Fun house
  • Gorilla/Palm tree play place
  • Red umbrella for food areas
  • Zip lining

…Along with the design elements of the lights overhead and the silver toned industrial look of the hall in general.

Part 2 represents the outside elements:

  • Abstract Nashville skyline that included the famous AT&T “batman building”
  • Symbols of Music City such as the guitar and music note
  • The carpet lining design that is modeled after a musical sound wave

After all was said and done I was privileged to present the painting to Mayor Karl Dean.

Enjoy the photos of the center, art and big ole mess I made!;)


Watch the art in action in the video BELOW!